Nov 27, 1998
Retail stores, wholesale distributorships, and discount department store services featuring Electronic Appliances of All Types; Household Appliances; Furniture; Clothing and Footwear; Jewelry and Watches; Home Improvement Products, Tools and Hardware Items; Carpeting and Other Floor Coverings; Audio-visual Equipment; Electronics; Batteries Of All Types; Car, Truck, SUV, and Van vehicles and Accessories, Tires, Gasoline and Repair Services for same; Luggage, Handbags, Purse sand Wallets; Toys and Games For All Ages; Personal Hygiene Products; Cleaning Supplies and Detergents; Pharmaceutical Goods (Prescription and OTC); Boating Equipment and Accessories;Cosmetics; Photographic Equipment and Film and Film Developing Services; Housewares; Food and Food Preparation Services; Alcoholic and Non-Alcoholic Beverages; Lamps, Lighting Equipment and Supplies; Gardening Supplies, Flowers and Plants; Stationary and Office Supplies; Computer Hardware, Software, Peripherals and Repair Services; Music Instruments, Records and Tapes add CD's DVDs (For Sale or Rental) ; Films (Movies), Videos and DVDs (For Sale or Rental); Books,Periodicals, Magazines and Other Forms of Literature (For Sale or Rental); Sporting Goods; Arts and Crafts Supplies; Original Artwork, Commercial Artwork, Picture Frames, Party Supplies and Cards;Eyewear and Optical Services; Antiques and Collectibles; Home, Vehicle, Property and Personal Security Systems and Devices; Paint; Window and Wall Coverings; Pet Food, Supplies, and Accessories; Retail Grocery Store Services
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