Aug 31, 2019
Sep 1, 2020
Active Trademark
Industrial chemicals; chemicals for use in industry and science; chemical preparations for scientific purposes, other than for medical or veterinary use; chemical preparations for analyses in laboratories, other than for medical or veterinary purposes; biochemical catalysts; biological preparations for use in industry and science; enzymes for industrial purposes; biological tissue cultures, other than for medical or veterinary purposes; bacterial preparations, other than for medical and veterinary use; bacteriological preparations, other than for medical and veterinary use; protein for industrial use; proteins for use in manufacture; tea extracts for use in the manufacture of pharmaceuticals; cultures of microorganisms, other than for medical and veterinary use; chemical reagents, other than for medical or veterinary purposes; diagnostic preparations, other than for medical or veterinary purposes; nucleic acid chemical reagents for non-medical purposes; nucleic acid enzymatic reagents for non-medical purposes