Apr 5, 1999
"wwwadultxtoycom" encompasses Internet Electronic Commerce in use of computerized on-line ordering services; retail selling online; marketing services in the fields of "adult entertainment;" (which is defined as entertainment of a sexual nature between consenting adults) and the mark is used on adult goods and materials including-- DVD, DIVX, VCD VHS video tapes, in 60, 90, 120,180, and 240 minute format; Web page designencompassing photos from movies, screen shots, story reviews, and a registered rating service, membership dating sites;classified and want ad service; adult books, adult magazines, marital aids, sex toys (including rubber, plastic, leather items for penetration and receptacle), erotic clothing, Internet Publication catalog, Internet Consulting for Adult products, Internet marketing of licensed and original products; Internet Membership site with Electronic Commerce Mark is also used for licensing program where marketing service for commission and resale will be implemented on site
Advertising and Business