Nov 20, 2017
Exhausting catalyst for vehicle{specify three-way catalyst for reduce most hydrocarbon(HC), carbon monoxide(CO), nitrogen oxide(NOX), particulate number(PN) and particulate matter(PM) from automotive exhaust ; Gasoline particulate filter to reduce most hydrocarbon(HC), carbon monoxide(CO), nitrogen oxide(NOX) , particulate number(PN) and particulate matter(PM) from automotive exhaust}; exhausting catalyst for boats{specify diesel oxidation catalyst to reduce most hydrocarbon(HC), carbon monoxide(CO), nitrogen oxide(NOX) , particulate number(PN) and particulate matter(PM) from marine engine exhaust; Selective catalytic reduction to reduce most hydrocarbon(HC), carbon monoxide(CO), nitrogen oxide(NOX) , particulate number(PN) and particulate matter(PM) from marine engine exhaust }; exhausting catalyst for internal combustion engines{specify diesel oxidation catalyst to reduce most hydrocarbon(HC), carbon monoxide(CO), nitrogen oxide(NOX), particulate number(PN) and particulate matter(PM) from diesel engine exhaust ; Selective catalytic reduction to to reduce most hydrocarbon(HC), carbon monoxide(CO), nitrogen oxide(NOX), particulate number(PN) and particulate matter(PM) from diesel engine exhaust; Diesel particulate filter to reduce most hydrocarbon(HC), carbon monoxide(CO), nitrogen oxide(NOX), particulate number(PN) and particulate matter(PM) from diesel engine exhaust}; catalyst for industrial waste gas{specify the product can effectively purify some industrial waste gas, such as ketones, aldehydes, aromatics, olefins, halogenated organic compounds, and high molecular weight organics which often are present as aerosols.}