Mar 23, 2005
General contracting, building,remodeling, new construction, insurance repair, new kitchens, kitchen renovation, new bathrooms, bathroom renovation, additions, renovations to the home, renovations to the office, any residential or commercial renovations, window repair, window replacement, door replacement or repair, any and all types of rough carpentry including framing and sheathing of any structure, any and all types of finish carpentry, any and all types of glazing and/ or glass work, any and all painting, wall covering, paper hanging, drywall, plaster, stucco, floor covering, ceramic tile, any and all types of concrete contractiong, any and all types of masonry, all types of woodworking, plumbing, electrical repair, electrical renovation, basement refinishing, heating, air conditioning, ventillation, cleaning contractor, roofing, siding, any and all construction, also junk and/ or trash removal from residences or businesses, cleaning and/ or junk removal from garages, basements, attics, storage facilities, businesses, commercial properties, etc
Building Construction and Repair