Mar 5, 2008
Warrior Disciples of God is more then just a good and service, its a way of life. The wdoG organization provides individuals of all nationality's assistance in their spiritual, mental, and physical growth. By forming gatherings/fellowships (Church), various outdoor/indoor activities (such as, bowling, fishing, sports, paint ball, running, exercises, dining out, traveling, mission work, etc), community services (hospital visits, home visitations, door to door visiting, homeless feeding, helping out all, fund raisers school activity, etc.), and not limited to many other events, activities, and organized meetings. Warrior Disciples of God focus on providing hope to a world that is lost and hopeless. WdoG also wear t-shirts, hats, in representation of the organization by wearing the logo. All for the glory to Jesus Christ, wdoG is just protecting themselves from any misrepresentation