Aug 2, 2001
Value for Value is a service provided to the consumer which allows them to interact with traditional ads in a digital manner. they can use their cell phones by dialing an abbreviated dialing code placed on advertisements. There are alternate methods of initiating with the system, and 900 land line number and via a website. Whether they use a cell phone, land line or website, they are prompted to enter a promotion code. the system then delivers an advertisement to that person. Consumers must fill out a short registration page with some demographical data and then they can choose to have the messages they request sent to them via e-mail, SMS (short messaging system - a text message to their cell phones), or a separate inbox tool. an important principal of the service is value for value. the advertisers must provide the consumers with value to get the information they want from those consumers. so from the consumer point of view, this business is a consumer friendly, message delivery system. The other part of the business is the back end data analytics. We will provide aggregate data analytics regarding consumers in general, what they like and don't like based on all available factors such as age, gender, location, etc.
Advertising and Business