Mar 9, 1979
Apr 12, 1983
Finishing Materials for Woods and Plastics-Namely, Concentrated Liquid Aniline Dyes, Powdered Dry Stains, Clear Wood Lacquer, Sanding Sealers, Acrylic Modified Lacquer, Paste Wood Filler, Lacquer Thinner
PaintsBox Hardware Made of Metal-Namely, Metal Hinges, Handles, Corners and Catches, Drawer Slides and Center Guides, Brass Grilles
Metal GoodsWood Inlays, Wood Veneers, Precut Wood Veneer for Making Chess Boards and Backgammon Boards, Wood Carvings for Decorating Furniture, Wood Mouldings, Wood Gallery Shelf Spindles, Wood Buttons and Plugs, Wood Dowels, Plastic Mouldings and Joining Pieces to Assemble as the Sides and Backs of Drawers
Furniture and Articles not Otherwise Classified