Backpacks; Backpacks, book bags, sports bags, bum bags, wallets and handbags; Diaper bags; All purpose sport bags; All-purpose athletic bags; All-purpose carrying bags which feature a removable insert for holding a breast pump; Backpack straps; Collars for animals; Gym bags; Leather credit card wallets; Luggage inserts, namely, packing cubes; Military duffle bags, garment bags for travel, tote bags, shoulder bags and backpacks; Pet clothing for dog, cat etc; Pet clothing, namely, jacket; Pet products, namely, pet restraining devices consisting of leashes, collars, harnesses, restraining straps, and leashes with locking devices; Schoolbags; Sports bags; Straps for carrying backpack; Travelling bags; Waist pouches; Wrist or ankle mounted wallets
Leather Goods