Chemical preparations for scientific purposes other than for medical or veterinary use, industrial chemicals
ChemicalsCosmetics for women and men for the different body parts, face, eyes, lips, teeth, hair, neck, body, hands, feet, nails, namely beauty creams, beauty serums, beauty milks, beauty lotions, tonic lotions, beauty masks, beauty gels, cosmetic oils, make-up removing milks, make-up removing rinses, toilet soaps, scrubbing and exfoliating products, powders, talcum powders, deodorants, hair lotions, shampoos, bath and shower preparations for cosmetic use, products which refresh the skin in aerosol form, moisturizing preparations, products for esthetic hygiene
Cosmetics and Cleaning PreparationsPharmaceutical preparations for skin care, suncare products, sunburn ointments, balms for medical use, oils for medical use, lotions for pharmaceutical use