Medical apparatus, instruments and applicators for use in the treatment of dermatological, gynecological or oncological conditions, disorders or diseases through the use of electromagnetic energy; medical apparatus, instruments and applicators for use in the treatment of dermatological, gynecological or oncological conditions, disorders or diseases through the deposition of electromagnetic energy into tissue; medical and surgical apparatus, instruments and applicators, for the treatment of dermatological, gynecological or oncological conditions, disorders or diseases in general surgical procedures; medical apparatus, instruments and applicators for the treatment of menorrhagia, fibroid debulking, female sterilization, endometriosis, varicose veins, psoriasis and liver and lung ablation; microwave power generation and delivery apparatus, namely a system unit containing a console with a control module, embedded computer and a user touch screen, pneumatic footswitch, coaxial and data cables, and printer particularly adapted for medical use; miniature electromechanical or electrochemical sensors for use in treatment of dermatological, gynecological or oncological conditions, disorders or diseases through the use of electromagnetic energy; parts for the aforesaid goods
Medical Apparatus