Mark Identification


Serial Number


Filing Date

Feb 21, 2001

Trademark by


Classification Information

Entertainment Industries, ,"Road Bum Productions" (Artist Management, Promotions, Booking), Road Bum Security, Real-estate Services and Property Management, Resort(s), Nite Club(s)and Entertainment Facilities-- example("Road Bum Bar and Grill"), Music, Recording, Record Label, Road Bum Band, Multi-media Communication Industries-- ROAD BUM TV, ROADBUMORG, ROADBUMNET, ROADBUMPRODUCTIONSCOM, ROADBUMNET, ROADBUMFIJICOM, etc, Road Bum-Radio, RoadbumCable-Networks, RoadBumWireless-Networks, RoadBumCom/Networks, Road Bum-Satellite Direct, Road Bum-Internet Service Provider ( goods and services), Road Bum E-commerce, Road Bum Eco-tourism and Travel Services (Overland/Air/Flight/Sea Transportation,Car/Truck/Boat/Equipment Rental and Leasing, example-- Road Bum Transportation) Road Bum Trucking, Freight Handling and Mailing Services, Restaurant, Dining and Lodging Industries, Clothing articles, Soft Drinks, non-alcoholic and Alcoholic Beverages, Construction, Building Construction and Electrical Trades (Road Bum Construction, etc), Equipment Manufacturing, Electronics, Stereo and Computer Components, Computer Software / Hardware (goods and services) Works of Art, Tags and Labels, Containers or packaging for the good(s) of services, photographs or other reproductions showing the mark affixed to the goods or its packaging

Computer and Scientific