The Ranger Pete APP is an enhanced historical, self-guided park tour using GPS locations to point out park features and trivia. Combining countless hours of historical facts with the love for the park, as well as witty insight will hopefully not only be entertaining and educational. Our hope is to stimulate a new wave of youthful park enthusiasts to enjoy the magic of Yellowstone. The APP's second key feature is an interactive animal sighting message board. This function will allow respectful, nature-loving, camera-toting, park visitors better opportunities of seeing specific birds, animals and flora (plant-life). App users post their location and sighting which is then networked to other "active" RP APP users. The APP participants can respond, add insight or venture towards the sighting zone. In addition, the APP offers hiking trails info, inside the park lodging, emergency contacts, medical locations, gas stations, food services, restrooms (vaulted or flushable), Ranger Pete top spots, tips, itineraries, checklist, this day in history and more
Computer and Scientific