Handbags, purses and wallets; Shoulder bags; Military duffle bags, garment bags for travel, tote bags, shoulder bags and backpacks; Slouch handbags
Leather GoodsBody suits for women, adults; Bottoms as clothing for women, adults; Coats for women, adults; Dresses for women, adults; Headwear for women, adults; Hooded sweatshirts for women, adults; Jackets for women, adults; Pajamas for women, adults; Pants for women, adults; Shirts for women, adults; Shoes for women, adults; Shorts for women, adults; Sweaters for women, adults; Sweatpants for women, adults; Sweatshirts for women, adults; T-shirts for women, adults; Tops as clothing for women, adults; Trousers for women, adults; Woven shirts for women, adults; Gloves; Hats; Scarves