Feb 1, 1999
Providing inpatient and outpatient medical services to cancer patients, and support services for families of cancer patients, namely a free confidential telephone information service to answer questions about cancer related topics, research prevention, and symptoms; community services and programs; books, brochures, and video materials for patients and their families; a program for men and significant others on functions, benign disorders, and cancer of the prostrate; book discussion groups, support groups and classes to give patients and families the strengthening they need; free prostrate and skin cancer screenings; providing information about American Cancer Society Services, support groups, and other local resources, as well as an opportunity to search the Internet and World Wide Web for the latest information on cancer topics; a program to help patients and families deal with the diagnosis of cancer; workshops conducted by cosmetologists to help patients cope with temporary changes in appearance caused by chemotherapy and radiation treatment; one on one visits and telephone contacts to mastectomy patients by trained volunteers; and a program for three to eighteen year old who have close family members with a cancer diagnosis
Computer and Scientific