Biochemicals for in vitro and in vivo scientific use; Biological preparations for use in industry and science; Chemical preparations for scientific purposes; Reagents for scientific and research use; Reagents for scientific or medical research use
ChemicalsBiomedical research services; Compiling data for research purposes in the field of medical science and medical consultancy; Laboratory research in the field of CRISPR screening and gene editing; Providing an on-line searchable database in the field of CRISPR screening and gene editing for scientific research purposes; Providing scientific research information in the field of CRISPR screening and gene editing; Research and development in the field of biotechnology and life sciences; Research and development in the field of biomedicine; Scientific and technological services, namely, testing and analyzing in the field of CRISPR screening and gene editing; Scientific and technological services, namely, preparation of biological samples for testing and analysis in the field of CRISPR screening and gene editing
Computer and Scientific