May 14, 1962
Sep 24, 1963
Plows of Various Types, Harrows, [ Discers, ] Pulverizers, Stalk Cutters, Hoes, Weeders, Listers and Middlebusters, Cultivators of Various Types, [ Side Delivery Rakes, Vine Turners, Potato Diggers, ])Planters of Various Types, Rotary Hoe Attachments for Tractor-Mounted Cultivators, Planting Attachments for Tractor-Mounted Cultivators, Weeder Attachments for Tractor-Mounted Cultivators, Fertilizer and Side Dressing Attachments for Tractor-Mounted Cultivators, Wheel Track Eradicators, Drills of Various Types, Seeder Attachments, [ Manure Spreaders, ]Lime and Fertilizer Sowers and Spreaders, [ Beet Lifters, Cotton Harvesters, Forage Harvesters, Forage Choppers and Blowers, Industrial and Agricultural Crawler Tractors, Motor Grader Transmissions, ] General Purpose Wheel-Type Tractors, Agricultural-Type Wheel Tractors, Orchard-Type Wheel Tractors, Industrial-Type Wheel Tractors, Fork Lift Tractors, Pull-Type and Self-Propelled Combine Harvesters, Row Crop and Corn Combine Headers, Pull-Type and Tractor-Mounted Corn Picker Huskers, Pull-Type Corn Picker Snappers, Pull-Type and Self-Propelled Windrowers and Swathers, Pull-Type and Tractor-Mounted Corn Picker-Shellers, Balers and Bale Throwers, [ Pull-Type and Mounted Mowers, ] Hay and Crop Loaders, Bulldozers, Angle Dozers, Hydraulic Lifts for Tractor-Drawn and Tractor-Mounted Implements, Gasoline and Diesel Engine Power Units and Parts Thereof, [ Farm and Industrial Tractor Loaders, Hay Conditioners, Crop Driers, Soil Testers, Farm Wagons and Boxes, Forage Boxes, ] Tool Bars and Carriers, and Utility Carriers
Yarns and Threads