Jun 12, 2014
Jan 27, 2015
Active Trademark
Biological preparation for use in cell cultures other than for medical or veterinary use; Biomedical compounds, namely, peptide substrates used in analyzing and detecting certain toxins for clinical or medical laboratory use; Biomedical compounds, namely, peptide substrates used in analyzing and detecting certain toxins for laboratory or research use; Cells for scientific, laboratory or medical research; Chemical preparations for scientific purposes; Chemical test kits for biological and pharmaceutical study for laboratory or research use; Diagnostic reagents for clinical or medical laboratory use; Laboratory chemicals, namely, an antibody reagent used for the detection of antigens in cell and tissue analysis for in vitro diagnostic use; Testing kits containing peptide substrates used in analyzing and detecting certain toxins for clinical or medical laboratory use; Testing kits containing peptide substrates used in analyzing and detecting certain toxins for laboratory or research use
ChemicalsBacteriological research; Biological research; Chemical analysis; Chemical research; Chemical, biochemical, biological and bacteriological research and analysis; Cosmetics research; Research and development in the pharmaceutical and biotechnology fields; Research and development of new products for others; Research on the subject of pharmaceuticals; Scientific research
Computer and Scientific