Apparatus for acupuncture therapy; Beds specially made for medical purposes; Body fat monitors for medical purposes; Cosmetic apparatus, namely, light based devices providing mainly pulsed light for performing non-ablative aesthetic skin treatment procedures; Dental instruments, namely, oral irrigators; Electric esthetic massage apparatus for household purposes; Electronic aesthetic skin treatment devices using light emitting diodes, namely, infrared, red, orange, yellow, green, and blue wavelengths for generating light rays; Facial toning machines for cosmetic use; Hearing aids; Infrared radiator units for therapeutic purposes; Lasers for the cosmetic treatment of face, skin and hair follicles; Massage apparatus; Massage chairs with built-in electric massage apparatus; Medical devices for nonsurgical cosmetic treatments; Nebulizers for medical purposes; Oxygen concentrators for medical purposes; Phototherapeutic apparatus for medical purposes; Sex dolls; Sex toys
Medical Apparatus