Mark Identification


Serial Number


Filing Date

Feb 26, 2004

Registration Date

Jun 27, 2006

Trademark by


Classification Information

Paper goods, namely, stationary, note cards, place cards, invitations, menu cards, gift tags, envelopes, holiday and greeting cards, calling cards, business cards, writing paper, post cards, gift bags, gift boxes, gift wrap, tissues, tissue wrap, wrapping paper, liners, napkins, hand towels, tablecloths, placemats, bibs, party hats, party favors, lunch bags, decals, stickers, recipe cards, book marks, book plates, coupon books, grocery lists, memo pads, phamplets and/or sheets note books, entertaining journal/planners, wedding journal/planners, personal journals, diaries, address books, telephone number books, scrapbooks, guestbooks, seating charts, family tree charts, email number books; calendars, namely, advent, desk, birthday, anniversary, special event, wedding and/or baby; printed materials, namely, newspaper articles, magazine articles, book references, presentations and seminars in the areas of entertaining and design; books, namely, date books, appointment books, anniversary books, daily planners, engagement books, cookbooks, writing instruction guidelines books, phamplets and/or sheets; check book covers, desk and writing accessories, namely, pens, pencils, pen/pencil holders, paper weights, desk blotters, embossers, erasers, letter openers, ink, ribbon and craft rubber stamps; iron on transfers

Paper Goods and Printed Matter