Sep 15, 2003
Promotionals of Company-- website, promotional brochures, shirts, hats, mugs, live performances, photographs, video tapes, cd and dvd discs and packaging; Cd roms/DVD and Video cases are for enclosed copy of our live and studio performances which will be for the public as well as to promote our compnay; The video contents will be of our own performances both live and studio and not the works of other performing artists; These videos and dvd's we would then hope to make available to the public for purchase or donation; T-shirts, mugs, hats etc would be for sale or as hand out / give aways to people who attend our performaces or request such materials via our website; These items would have the attached logo on them; Photographs and posters are used to promote our productions and are seen in the public eye and also may be handed out to people as promotion of our work or possibly sold in the future; These posters and photographs have our logo on them; Packaging; At this time we do not have any additional packaging that goes into our products for the general public, although this may change and boxes may be created for items so we would also like to include product packaging in this tradmark application.
Advertising and Business