Mar 17, 1941
Oct 28, 1941
Preparation Used in the Treatment of Heart Conditions; a Concentrated Anti-Anemic Extract Obtained from Stomach Tissue, Combined with Iron and Vitamin B;[ an I ron Sodium Citrate Compound Used in the Treatment of Anemia or Other Conditions Where Iron Is Indicated; Sodium Hexyl Ethyl Barbiturate, a Hypnotic with Phenacetin, an Analgesic;] a Bile Preparation For Use in the Treatment of Biliary DefiCiencies; a Preparation Intended for the Treatment of Spasmodic and Convulsive COnditions; a Preparation Containing VitaMin B Used in the Treatment of Vitamin B Deficiencies; a Combination of Iron SalT and Dried Whole Bile for the Treatment of Anemia; a Combination of Vitamin B COmplex with a Diastatic Enzyme for Use iN Treatment of Certain Digestive DisturbAnces and Vitamin B Deficiencies; a PrepAration Used in the Treatment of Vitamin K Deficiencies; and a Crystalline EstroGenic Substance for Oral Administration
Leather Goods