Mar 20, 2021
Adhesives for industrial purposes; Adhesives for use in the construction industry; Chemical preparations for use in the manufacture of paints; Chemical vehicles used in the manufacture of paints; Chemicals for use in the manufacture of adhesives, paper, leather or indicate for a wide variety of goods, if accurate; Epoxy glue for general bonding and repair purposes; Leather processing chemical preparations; Polymer coating agents for paper; Polyurethane adhesives for industrial purposes; Synthetic resins, unprocessed; Unprocessed acrylic resins; Unprocessed epoxy resin dispersion for the preparation of clear coats, enamels and primers; Unprocessed epoxy resins; Unprocessed polyurethane resins; Unprocessed synthetic resin compounds in the form of microspheres used to incorporate various other substances; Viscose (cellulose ester) chemicals; Waterproofing chemical compositions; Wood glue for industrial use