Jun 24, 2000
Hot Travel Agent is a web site (Hot Travel Agentcom) It will, in the relatively near future become a publication of similar format The main objective of Hot Travel Agent is to inform interested travelers that visit our site, that this is basically an online travel agent Thus, featuring many if not all of the features of a conventional travel agent Worldwide Travel Suggestions and Tips, Online Brochures, Domestic and International Reservations and Bookings,Currency Values, Worldwide Weather Conditions and Trip Insurance are specialty areas of this web site Additionally, many other features are available, beyond the previously mentioned offerings, such as Chat lines, Live Resort Pictures and Streaming Video Brochures Another direction of Hot Travel Agent is the creation of an International Network of Hot Travel Agents A qualified applicant (A Bonafied Travel Agent) can become part of the Hot Travel Agent network This would enable a Travel Agent to experience a much higher level of exposure due to its relationship with Hot Travel Agent and the high level of exposure and visibility it generates from the internet Worldwide visitors to Hot Travel Agentcom can log in and search, from a database of Hot Travel Agents worldwide, for a local qualified Hot Travel agent in their area, or one that specializes in the area or region they wish to travel to
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