May 25, 2008
shirts,t-shirts, yoga pants and shirts, scarves, shawls, hat, shoes, socks, slippers, pants, jackets, bags, grocery bags, cosmetics, spa products and product line - facial cleansers, face masks, sea salts, lotions, essential oils, bath soaps, oils and salts, water and bottled water, flavored water, enhanced water, spring water, baby food, including organic baby food, packaged raw super foods such as powders, nuts, berries, seeds dried and/or formulated or combined, supplements as super greens or nutritional powdered food combinations, protein powders, liquid mineral formulations, biodegradable plastic packaging in general, biodegradable plastic baby bottles, biodegradable plastic beverage bottles, biodegradable plastic water containers, biodegradable plastic 3 and 5 gallon liquid containers such as water containers, water machines and/or purifiers, biodegradable plastic baby toys such as rattles, pacifiers,biodegradable plastic grocery bags, biodegradable plastic tooth brushes, - handle and brush bristles -