Downloadable educational course materials in the field of study guides, that students and professors will be able to create by uploading course material and their own study guides, which will then get liked, downloaded or printed by the students, and the best study guides will be chosen and instantly move to the top of the best study guides shown by the letter system of A+, B, C. the best study guides can then be downloaded via mobile device or website and will give them the best study guides, the professor can also vote to reassure the quality of the study guide. This will be for middle school, junior high, high school, and collegiate levels, masters and doctoral levels. this application and website can designate through location as well to ensure accuracy of the materials, the best study guides will be rewarded through point systems that give rewards of merchandise, pre-paid cards, and other marketing materials.the material can cover all majors and departments of, business, history, law, marketing, finance, statistics, engineering, political science, biology, chemistry, sciences, mathematics, english, reading, foreign languages, medical, to help students succeed, and increase efficiency, to help improve, retain, and comprehend learning materials provided by schools and universities
Electrical and Scientific Apparatus