Industrial adhesives; Adhesives used in manufacturing or chemical processes; Adhesives for use in building; Adhesives for use in construction; Binding agents
ChemicalsAcrylic, silicone-based, epoxy, acetic and polyurethane coatings to protect floors, decks, roofs, walls and other similar surfaces on and within buildings and fixed structures of all types from deterioration or discoloration caused by weather, water, oil and chemicals, and wear and tear; Acrylic and silicone-based sealant coatings to protect roofs, walkways, roads and similar architectural surfaces from deterioration or discoloration caused by water, weather, oil and chemicals and wear and tear from pedestrian and vehicular traffic; Coatings; Marine protective coatings for use on boats, docks and rafts; Paints, varnishes, lacquers
PaintsAcrylic based sealants and adhesives; Adhesive sealants for use in construction; Adhesive sealants for use in roofing; Building insulation; Insulating waterproofing membranes; Polymeric membranes; Polyurethane sealants; Polyurethane foam cavity insulation for use in building and construction; Sealants for buildings; Silicone based sealants and adhesives
Rubber GoodsRoofing membranes; Waterproofing membranes for roofing, floors and walls
Nonmetallic Building Materials