Mark Identification


Serial Number


Filing Date

Apr 24, 2018

Trademark by


Classification Information

Analysis of market research data and statistics; Business data analysis; Collection and analysis of quality metric data for tracking or monitoring information that can be mapped and defined in a specified geographic location for business purposes; Collection and analysis of quality metric data for commercial enterprises to monitor and map assets deployed in the field for business purposes; Collection and analysis of quality metric data for reporting of information to commercial enterprises based on geographical analysis related to industry specific goods and services they provide for business purposes; Collection and analysis of quality metric data for use in connection with geospatial data focused on geographic areas of interest for business purposes; Collection and analysis of quality metric data for tracking, mapping, monitoring and analyzing geographic information related to the location of deployed assets, demographics, environmental and health factors, economic growth and development, government and educational services, inventory and assets, production and storage, communications and networks, crime/fires and emergencies, critical infrastructure and utilities such as water/sewage/gas/electrical usage for business purposes; Collection and analysis of quality metric data for industries to manage transactional data, statistics and reports for business purposes; Collection and analysis of quality metric data for automated data processing, quality control, and data delivery to customers through a cloud-based web application and API for business purposes; Market research and business analyses; Outsource service provider in the field of business analytics; Services consisting of the registration, collection, transcription, compilation and systemization of written communications and data; Statistical analysis and reporting services for business purposes

Advertising and Business