The detailed information you've provided regarding the goods and services for your trademark application looks comprehensive and well-structured. It includes clear descriptions of the goods you offer under the categories of skincare products and merchandise. This information should be included in the application to provide a precise understanding of the products you intend to protect under your trademark. To summarize: Trademark 1: Fezek (Skincare Products) Goods (Products): Body Butter: Non-medicated skincare preparation for moisturizing, hydrating, and nourishing the skin. Lip Balm: Non-medicated lip balm for moisturizing and protecting the lips. Facial Creams: Non-medicated facial creams for hydrating, rejuvenating, and improving skin texture. Hand and Body Lotions: Non-medicated lotions for moisturizing and softening the hands and body. Skin Serums: Non-medicated serums for improving skin texture, tone, and appearance. Facial Cleansers: Non-medicated facial cleansers for removing impurities and maintaining skin freshness. Facial Masks: Non-medicated facial masks for deep cleansing, revitalizing, and enhancing skin radiance
Cosmetics and Cleaning Preparations