Sep 13, 2009
Assays for research purposes; Biochemicals, namely, monoclonal antibodies for in vitro scientific or research use; Reagents for research purposes; Reagents for scientific or medical research use; Reagents for use in scientific apparatus for chemical or biological analysis
ChemicalsClinical medical reagents for processing human whole blood and its components for use in blood transfusions stored in bags, bottles, syringes and other such containers used to store such substances in the medical field; Diagnostic kits consisting primarily of monoclonal antibodies, buffers, and reagents for use in disease testing; Diagnostic reagents and contrast media for medical use; Diagnostic reagents for medicinal use; Drug testing kits comprised of medical diagnostic reagents and assays for testing body fluids; Medical diagnostic reagents; Medical diagnostic reagents and assays for testing of body fluids
PharmaceuticalsBiological research; Chemical, biochemical, biological and bacteriological research and analysis; Custom design and development of chemical reagents and biochemical assays; Product research and development; Providing reagent sample testing and diagnostic services for others in the fields of science and research related thereto; Research and development of technology in the field of Biotechnology; Research services in the field of forensic science, namely, analysis, detection and isolation of biological substances in forensic samples
Computer and Scientific