Used on and in printed music books; pamphlets in the field of music; writing tablets; downloadable computer software in the field of music; teaching guides; game pieces and positionable figures sold in music books and music educational materials; two and three dimensional positionable toys, dolls, figures, or representations of toys, figures, dolls, sold in or with printed music lessons, in printed music guides, in printed sheet music, and sold in downloadable computer software in the field of music education; music sheets; printed visuals in the nature of two and three dimensional positional figures used in and on printed music scores and printed or real representations of musical instrumental keyboards, frets, valves, of all musical instruments; two and three dimensional positional figures used in and on the following--- music teaching materials, music books, music educational cards, printed music games, music pamphlets, printed teaching materials, toys, games, and printed teaching instructional materials for playing musical instruments
Paper Goods and Printed MatterDecals; toy; positionable game equipment sold as a unit with playing cards; positionable toy figures sold as a unit with printed guides in the field of music; positionable toy figures sold with 3 dimensional cubes; positionable toy figures sold on or with dice games; positionable figures sold on dice toys; positional printed figures in puzzles in the field of music; positionable toys sold with music books; positionable toys sold as a unit with printed materials in the field of music; positionable toys in the field of music games; printed Positionable figures for use in games; Positionable printed figures for use in puzzles; decals in card games; printed positionable Action figures and accessories thereof in music books; Toy positionable figures and accessories therefore sold in games, puzzles, printed 2 and 3 dimensional positional figures used in books; printed positional Play figures used in music games; printed positional Play figures used on toy pianos; printed positional play figures used on musical instrumental keyboards, fingerboards, frets, valves or representations of musical instrumental keyboards fingerboards, valves or frets; Class 28 may include two and three dimensional positional figures and toys sold as a unit with books, booklets, pamphlets, printed instructions; Class 028 may include positionabe figures sold in Children's multiple activity games; sold as a unit with printed books; Toy pianos, and representations of musical instrumental keyboards, sold as a unit with printed books in the field of music education; positionable toys sold as a unit with music books, music booklets, pamphlet in the field of music; positionable toys sold as a unit with printed music instruction; positionable 2 and 3 dimensional toys sold as a unit with printed music materials or/ and instructions; Hobby craft kit comprising positionable decals, positionable toys, positionable two and three dimensional representations of sportsballs, or party favors, or houses sold as a unit with printed materials in the field of music; positionable 2 and three dimensional representations of clothing sold with printed guides in the field of music; positionable bell toy representations sold as a unit with music books; positional 2 and 3 dimensional representations of various objects sold as a unit with printed materials in the field of music; positionable finger toy rings sold with printed music guides; games, board games; cards games; toy rings; decals; toy finger puppets; printed music notes; printed music notes sold in books; printed music notes sold as a unit with printed music instructions, pamphlets, booklets, and books; toys sold as a unit with music books; toys sold as a unit with printed music materials; toy finger rings sold as a unit with printed instructional materials; hobby craft kits comprising 2 and 3 dimensional printed figures to be made; childrens multiple activity toys sold as a unit with printed music books; Class 28 printed 2 and three dimensional figures; Two and three dimensional toys sold that use positionable note figures; Children's multiple positionable activity toys sold as a unit with printed books; Class 28 printed positional figures sold as a unit with music books; Class 028 Printete, namely printed representations of three dimensional Musical instrument keyboards or toy musical instruments incorporated 2 and 3 dimensional positional figures or sold as a unit with books OR sold as a unit with printed materials in the field of music; class 28 children's multiple activity positional figures sold with music guides to be used on piano toys, guitar toys, keyboard toys, and all musical instrumental keyboards and fingerboards; class 28, 2 and 3 dimensional positional figures sold with music guides to be used on piano toys, guitar toys, keyboard toys, and all musical instrumental keyboards and fingerboards; class 28 hit 47 children's multiple activity positional toys sold as a unit with printed music books; class 28 multiple activity toys sold in books sold to be used with computer generated devices; class 28 multiple activity ornaments sold as a unit with printed books; class 28 printed books sold with toys class Positionable toy figures class 28 toys that are novelty 2 and three dimensional positionable game sports equipment sold as a unit with music books; class 28 toys that are novelty positionable playthings sold as a unit with music books; Class 028 positionable printed toy figures for use in music games; Class 028 printed positionable toys for use in children's music board games; Class 028 positionable three dimensional toys for use in music games; Class 028 positionable two dimensional toys for use in games; Class 028 positionable printed toy figures for use in music puzzles; Class 028 positionable printed 2 or three dimensional figures for use in Cube music puzzles; Class 028 positionable wooden and plastic figures for use in wooden and plastic music puzzles; class 028 Positionable printed toy figures for use in music games; class 029 Positionable printed toy figures for use in puzzles; class 028 Printed positionable toys for use in children's board games Class 028 printed positionable toys for use in children's board games sold as a unit with printed sold as a unit with printed music lessons; Class 028 positionable three dimensional toys for use in games sold as a unit with printed music lessons; Class 028 positionable two dimensional toys for use in games sold as a unit with printed music lessons; Class 028 positionable printed toy figures for use in puzzles sold as a unit with printed music lessons; Class 028 positionable wooden and plastic figures for use in wooden and plastic puzzles sold as a unit with printed music lessons; Class 028 games in the field of music Class 028 puzzles; in the field of music Class 028 toys in the field of music education; Class 028 printed positionalble toys sold with toy musical instruments in music books; Class 028 printed positionable toys sold with a representation of a music Instrumental keyboard in books; Class 028 printed positionable figures sold with a dummy music keyboard, or fingerboard in books; Class 28, Promotional game materials; Class 28 Children's multiple activity toys sold as a unit with printed music guides; Positionable printed toy figures for use in games sold as a unit with printed guides; Positionable printed toy figures for use in puzzle sold with printed music instruction; Positionable printed toy figures for use in or on a piano keyboards sold with a music book Positionable printed toy figures for use in printed matter in the field of musical instruments; Positionable printed toy figures sold for use on musical instruments; Positionable printed toy figures for use in books; Printed positionable toys for use in children's books; Toy pianos, sold as a unit with printed books in the field of music education; Printed positionable toys for use in children's board games; Printed positionable toys for use in children's computer music games; Printed positionable toys for use in children's computer musical keyboards; Printed positionable toys for use in children's computer activities; Printed positionable toys for use on or in children's toy pianos; Printed positionable toys for use in children's music instrumental activities; Printed positionable toys for use in children's musical instrumental activities; Printed positionable toys for use in children's battery or electronically powered computerized piano* keyboards; Printed positionable decals for use in children's computerized piano * keyboards; Printed positionable figures for use in electronic pianos* that are run on computer software programs in the field of music; Hobby craft music kit comprising positional toys for pianos*; Positionable 2 and three dimensional positionable figures sold for use on or in electronically powered piano *keyboards that are running on downloadable software programs in the field of music; Printed Two and 3 dimensional positionable figures sold for use on Downloadable multimedia file containing artwork, text, , games, related to music; Printed Two and 3 dimensionable positionable figures for use with Downloadable multimedia file containing artwork, text, games, related to music Printed Two and three dimensional positionable figures for use with Electronic downloadable publications for use in the field of music; Printed Two and three dimensional positionable figures for use with Electronic downloadable publications of music lessons using keyboards; Printed Two and three dimensional positionable figures for use with Electronic downloadable publications of music guides; Printed Two and three dimensional positionable figures sold for use in downloadable electronic guides in the field of music; Two and three dimensional positionable figures sold for use in Downloadable computer music programs featuring positionable game piece figures for use in the field of computer games and music instruction
Toys and Sporting Goods