Server provide Information about colleges and Universities; Ø Links to every college home web page in the United States and selected colleges in other countries; Ø Links to every college athletic web pages categorize by Division I, Division II, and Division III Ø Salary Search Ø Tuition planner Ø Rankings of top schools and academic programs Ø Rankings of top schools for different minority groups Ø On line chat with instant messages; Ø Online profile that allows users to log on and find members that are sorted by schools; Ø Online college forum; o Schools Request-- If Students need help finding the top schools with their degree program, or if they have a list of schools they want to pursue; They would simply tell us what degree they are interested in and their preferred states, or just give us the list of schools they want to pursue; CollegePursue;com will gather all information of the top 10 schools of their choice and request information, which may include applications, and will send it to your address; o Sports Request-- If a student needs help gathering contact information of coaches and athletic departments; They would simply tell CollegePursue;com what sports, states and what division they would like to attend College or what colleges they are interested in; CollegePursue;com will gather information of the top 10 sport programs of their choice and email directly to them the contact information of coaches and athletic departments, which includes phone numbers and email addresses
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