Feb 2, 2022
I am planning to conduct a 2-3 day in-person or online workshop for business leaders (Senior Vice Presidents, Vice Presidents, Directors, Engineering Managers, Project and Program Managers) from corporate world (IT, Software Development, High Tech companies). These business leaders understand Agile mindset and are looking to explore how to increase agility in their workplaces. The workshop components will include: A. Review of team progression model with deep dive into the psychology of how teams progress - These stages are Purpose, Trust Building, Goal Clarification, Commitment, Implementation, High Performance, Dissolution. B. Introduce Servant Leadership Mindset and provide insights on why Servant Leadership is true leadership. Also, discuss challenges to Servant Leadership how one can grow as a strong servant leader. C. Use the team progression model and servant leadership to discuss ways to bring team effectiveness. Introduce Scientifically proven mental and breathing exercises to help participants learn how to de-stress and relax daily. These exercises are helpful in stress management, and control of brain states which lead to wellbeing and happiness. Drive the point that only when one is happy and energetic can one serve better and be a better servant leader. D. Review take home exercises and next steps
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