Jan 24, 1942
Jun 16, 1942
Asphalts, Comprising Oxidized Mid-Continent Asphalts and/or Oxidized Mexican Blended Asphalts-Namely, Asphalts, Regular Flat, Regular Steep, Bonded Flat, and Bonded Steep; for Pitches, Comprising Oxidized Pitches-Namely, Pitches, Steep Roof, and Flat Roof, for Refined Tar, Comprising Dehydrated Straight Coke Oven Tar; and for Gypsum Products, Comprising Uncalcined Gypsum-Namely, Agricultural Gypsum; and Landplasters-Namely, Fine Landplaster, Comprising Dust from Gypsum Rock Drier Used for Dusting Gypsum, [Dilutent in Manufacture of Insecticides and Base of Stucco Used in Plaster and Board Manufacture, ]Regular Landplaster, Comprising Pulverized Dried Gypsum Rock Used for Dusting Gypsum and Base of Stuccos, and Picked Rock Landplaster Comprising Pulverized Dried Gypsum Rock Used for DustingGypsum and Base of Gauging Plasters