Apr 14, 2021
Big Splash works with special needs students to provide adaptive instructional swimming and aqua therapy in a positive and supportive environment. Big Splash Consulting trains classroom Special Education teachers and associates/para-educators the Big Splash teaching methods/approaches to adaptive instructional swim and aqua therapy for their students with special needs. Big Splash provides: expanded services for students with special needs, teach lifetime skills, creates environment for free movement in water for the mobility impaired, improve students' safety in and around water, enhances overall wellness of students, enhances learning environment for students: cognitive, language, social skills; controlled behavior disorders, sensory awareness, emotional and psychological health. Continued support of Special Olympics for participating students. Each special education classroom swims once or twice per week for 45 minutes per session. Special Education teachers and associates/para-educators assist with program delivery and are in the water working with the students. The teachers and associates/para-educators receive classroom training and 12-15 hours of hands-on engaged assistance with students during the first month of sessions. Karen Taylor Burton authored a book, "Swim Little Friends" Copyright Registration Number TXu2-146-093, which is used as an introductory tool to help students learn expectations of the program and how to support their classmates. The curriculum stresses water safety and immediately introduces four swimming strokes. This approach recognizes that children learn at different rates and allows children to participate who may be overwhelmed or fearful of specific aspects of strokes, such as putting ones' face in the water. The combination of the repeating structured lesson plan over several weeks, individualized instruction, equipment utilization, and "Swim Little Friends" are key components to the Big Splash curriculum. Big Splash, Inc. had anecdotal evidence showing dramatic improvement in behavior, relationships, and overall health of participants. The Iowa's University Center for Excellence on Development Disabilities (UCEDD) conducted an evaluation to determine the impact of the Big Splash program in improving the health, relationships, and behavior of participants. The results: Qualitative data analysis revealed three overarching themes of Program Structure, Implementation, and the Impact of Big Splash. Participants described a variety of broad and profoundly positive impacts for individual students, families, classrooms, staff members, and school districts. Participants explained that Big Splash effectively reduced behaviors in the classroom and at home which allowed more time to focus on academic or reduced medication usage. The specialized approach of Big Splash's adapted aquatics has the potential to dramatically impact the trajectory of the children's educational, social, and health outcomes
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