Nov 13, 2000
BEST FOR RELAXATION is the product name for an all-natural formula (containing herbs, vitamins and minerals) that is used as a dietary supplement to help enable the body to naturally relax into a tranquil yet alert state The combination of natural ingredients is designed to A) Help balance the digestive, nervous, endocrine and immune systems, B) Help detoxify the blood, C) Help the body's natural anti-oxidants to perform more potently, D) Help improve blood circulation and energy, E) Help enhance natural relaxation and reduce stress caused from muscular discomfort The formula is manufactured in A) Capsule, B) Tablet, C) Gelcap, D) Liquid, E) Tea Bags, F) Bulk Tea and G) Dry powder format No claim is made for the word "RELAXATION" save for its use in conjunction with the phrase "Best For"