Medical apparatus and instruments for monitoring physiological, cardiovascular, cardiometabolic, sleep, pulmonary, maternal, fetal, and hemodynamic parameters, namely, electrocardiogram, heart sounds, heart rate, arrythmia, pain, respiration rate, skin temperature, respiratory events, sleep events, pulmonary events, cardiac function, lung function, fetal function, ambulatory function, trendelenburg, using wireless sensors, mobile, cloud system that transmit the data through the Internet; for health vital sign measurements and patient monitoring; for application in diseases like, diabetes, hypertension, stroke, cancer, heart disease, respiratory disease, kidney disease, mental disease, opioid addition, pain, and infectious disease; which allows the user to access all aspects of the user's medical records, vitals, test results, medications, medical history, documents, insurance information, inpatient, outpatient, and hospital visits and appointments, and for capturing patient health data including weight, step count, distance walked, calories burned, blood pressure, heart rate, and glucose levels, for promoting increased patient wellness by providing health and wellness recommendations, and for providing bi-directional messaging, video chat, or voice call for enabling remote consultation with physicians and healthcare providers; for collecting, organizing, obtaining, and managing patient information; for analyzing and reporting self-assessment of illness; using artificial intelligence for automation of vital sign measurements and patient monitoring.
Medical Apparatus