May 27, 1980
Nov 16, 1982
Small Domestic Utensils and Containers-Namely, Plates, Bowls, Dishes, Pots, Cache-Pots, Cups, Tankards, Mugs, Tumblers, Jugs, Sugar Bowls, Salt Cellars, Sauce-Boats, Pewter Vessels-Namely, Containers With and Without Covers for Small Articles, Napkin Rings, Epergnes, Bottle Stands, Liqueur Sets Comprising Cups, Tray and Decanter, Finger Bowls, Vases, Teapots, Tea Sets Comprising Teapot, Sugar Bowl, Creamer and Tray, Trays, Candle Sticks Made of Non-Precious Metal and Pitchers
Housewares and Glass