Energy healing services, namely, quantum transformation and healing services to eliminate stress; Energy healing services, namely, therapeutic touch services; Providing in-person energy healing services; Providing in-person vibrational energy healing services; Providing information in the field of Reiki, Ensofic Reiki, Usui Reiki, Life Activation Protocol, Aura Healing, Full Spirit Activation, 11th Codon Reading, Spark of Life, Chi Work, Laser Light Healing, Meridian Line Balancing, Soul Retrieval, Shamanic Aura Clearing, Tree of Life Awakening, Chakra Awakening, Sacred Geometry Healing Series, The King Salomon Healing Modality Series, Etheric Reconstruction, Ancient, Egyptian Healing Rites, Kabbalistic and Enochian Healing, Hermetic Rebalancing, Emotional Cord Cutting and Energy Clearing, Spiritual Drug Detox, Angel Code, Isis Healing, RA healing; Providing vibrational energy healing services; Wellness and health-related consulting services; Consulting services in the field of mental health and wellness; Providing both in-person and on-line vibrational energy healing services
Medical, Beauty & Agricultural