Baby bottles, disposable feeding bottles and bags, nipples, nipple covers, collars, discs, locking rings, plastic pacifiers, plastic teethers
Medical ApparatusInfants' and children's drinking cups, plastic glasses, tumblers, bowls and plates, baby bottle cleaning brushes, nipple cleaning brushes
Housewares and Glassinfants' and children's clothing, namely, shirts, sweatshirts, pants, coveralls, jumpers, jackets, sweaters, skirts, jeans, swimsuits, caps, hats, pajamas, underclothing, panties, diaper covers, gowns, socks
Clothinglnfants' and children's toys, namely, plush toys, stuffed toys, soft sculptured toys, rattles, board games, puzzles, video games, hand-held electronics, play dishes
Toys and Sporting Goods