Mar 16, 1998
Jun 25, 2002
Active Trademark
[ Chemical preparations for scientific or research use, namely, chemical preparations for analyses in laboratories and for in vitro analyses, chemical preparations for use in the discovery of novel lead compounds in the pharmaceutical industry, test kits comprised of chemical preparations, and pharmaceutical compounds for in vitro analyses of chemical compound libraries to identify compounds with activity at a given receptor, chemical preparations in the form of receptors, DNA sequences, DNA variations for use in laboratories, nucleotide sequences, including vectors, microorganisms and preparations of microorganisms for protein and gene expression ]
Chemicals[Pharmaceutical preparations and substances for the treatment of neurological, neuropsychiatric, neurodegenerative, and metabolic diseases; [ microorganisms and cultures of microorganisms for medical diagnostic use; ] chemical preparations for analyses of neurological, neuropsychiatric, neurodegenerative, and metabolic diseases and for in vivo analyses for medical diagnostic purposes]
PharmaceuticalsScientific and industrial biotechnological and biomedical research; chemical, biochemical and molecular biological analyses; medical testing, namely, in vitro and in vivo preclinical testing of potential drugs; [ in vitro and in vivo research concerning the presence and functionality of organic and inorganic substances; ] consultation related thereto
Computer and Scientific