Serial Number


Filing Date

May 20, 2022

Registration Date

Jul 4, 2023

Trademark by


Active Trademark

Classification Information

Charitable fundraising services by means of organizing and conducting fundraising events to promote public awareness of human trafficking, domestic abuse, and homelessness; Charitable fundraising services by means of selling goods to raise funds; Charitable fundraising services by means of events to help and support victims and survivors of human trafficking, domestic abuse, and homelessness; Charitable fundraising services by means of in person or virtual conferences, workshops, and social media platforms; Charitable services, namely, fundraising services by means of organizing special events for victims and survivors of human trafficking, domestic abuse, and homelessness

Insurance and Financial

Charitable outreach services, namely, providing counseling services in the field of religion; Charitable services, namely, providing emotional support services for victims/survivors of domestic violence, homelessness, and human trafficking by means of in person and virtual awareness events, substance abuse prevention events, safety and self-defense events, make over events and support events; Christian ministry services; Personal growth and motivation consulting services; Providing emotional counseling and emotional support services for victims/survivors of human trafficking, homelessness, and domestic abuse; Providing information in the field of self-defense
