The number 7946437 is intended to be used as a code (it spells "swinger" on a telephone key pad)-- the number will be used on color coded wristbands, keychains, and other retail items which may be purchased by those "in The Lifestyle" also known as "swingers" in order to allow them to discreetly identify one another; The colors and descriptions are copyrighted-- they describe various types of swing "style" ( ie what sorts of activities the individual will engage in with other swingers, as well as what sort of requirements they may demand in a swing relatsionship, such as friendship or physical attraction); The color coded wristbands stamped with the number 7964737 are currently being sold online at the 7946437 website (an online magazine and information site; URL www;7946437;com) and will soon be available through authorized vendors; Other retail items are in development and will be available through the same venues
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