Motorcycle parts, namely, derby covers, timing covers, primary inspection covers, air cleaners, seats, sissy bars, handlebars, luggage racks, gas tanks, dash panels, fenders, forks, swingarms, wheels, risers, riser covers, primaries, coil covers, horns, horn covers, oil tanks, battery covers, saddlebags, motorcycle trailers, mirrors, master cylinders, cylinder heads, rocker covers, pushrod covers, frames, headlights, turnsignals, hand grips, foot pegs, shifter pegs, transmissions, gas tank covers, axle bolts, swingarm bolts, nut covers, motorcycle badges, and motorcycle emblems
VehiclesClothing, namely, hats, shirts, pants, underwear, bras, panties, socks, negligees, headbands, handkerchiefs, shoes, sweatshirts, jackets, vests, armbands, gloves, boots, and belts